14 definitions by iam2eeyore

To smuggle an object by hiding it in your ass.
Security wouldn't let me take my camera in to the game so I had to mule it.
by iam2eeyore December 3, 2009
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In order to get the bitch off I had to call in the heavy artillery. Thankfully I had already greased that ass with a heavy dose of sploogicant.
by iam2eeyore November 10, 2009
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The term used to describe what happened to a controversial thread, on a message board, after it was moved to the "trash bin."
Clown: "Dude, what happened to my thread about white supremacy?"
Moderator: "Bininnated."
by iam2eeyore April 1, 2010
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To avoid being identified as a homosexual.
I heard that Ruben was outed by his Cousin at Thanksgiving dinner. He should have taken some lessons from Kevin at flying under the gaydar.
by iam2eeyore November 29, 2010
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It is the more socially acceptable way of saying "shut your mouse" which is a way of telling somebody on the internet to be quiet.
You know that they say that Grimmace is one bad mother... "Hush your mouse!"
by iam2eeyore November 21, 2009
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The muscle that links the brain of a moron to their genitals.
Preston was trying to prolong a sexual experience by thinking about dead bunnies when he sprained his kinktus muscle.
by iam2eeyore April 1, 2010
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