1 definition by ialreadyknowclueless

Used in social situations, which a person tries to gain control by telling another person, information about another. Basically B tells A about C, or vice versa. The goal is to confuse the two, so that B will gain the upper hand in the social context, whether gaining approval or be seen as "cool"
Avoid them at all costs!
Also, to be used on who they think are "suckers" or to "gauge" or "test" for gullibility. Can anyone say Manipulator?!
B: "Hey, Lisa's having a birthday, you should come!"
C: (thinking to herself, why didn't A just invite me THEN?)
Really? Well, I don't really know her that well.
B: She'd want you there, really.
(At the birthday)
A: Oh hey C. (surprised expression)
B: Hey, I heard from B it was your birthday!
C: (thinking to herself, hehe i was the middleman...suckers)
by ialreadyknowclueless August 14, 2010
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