3 definitions by iLoveRockAndRoll

Oh My Dog.
spelling God backwards for people who dont like saying Omg cause its overused.

also,is a common mistake when writing "oh my god".
dude 1-omd,you'll never guess what happened!!
dude 2-OMD what!!
dude 1-oh,my dog just died!
by iLoveRockAndRoll December 23, 2009
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irish,mainly Donegal word for kissing,or making out
Person 1:omg,im going out with Sean!!
Person 2:really,since when?
Person 1:like,a week ago!
Person 2:did yous tip yet?
by iLoveRockAndRoll February 16, 2010
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Irish,word for making out.
Used mainly be culchies,and wannabee culchies.
Person 1:so,do ya like Sean?
Person 2:kinda,i wouldnt go out with him tho.
Person 1:Would ya bog him?
Person 2;yeah,prolly!
by iLoveRockAndRoll February 16, 2010
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