5 definitions by i can't find my mango

"Typical outward signs of a human who is feeling somewhat a-globular could be an unfocussed upward-tilting gaze and widely-stretched, flailing limbs; the person might also be clutching at or jabbing at the air with an item of stationery in what is generally understood to be desperation to focus his or her concentration"
"Give me that pen bitch! I'm feeling somewhat-a-globular and don't know what to do"
by i can't find my mango April 2, 2007
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A state of mind where one is confused or disorientatated about one's psychological, physical, geographical, social, and/or professional state
"What's this? Where am I? What's going on? Oh no..I'm feeling somewhat-a-globular" said the child as he woke up to find an old fisherman buying fish in front of him.
by i can't find my mango April 2, 2007
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The action of going into a room, becoming disorientated and forgetting where you are and what your original intentions were. At the same time, you have taken a piece of stationery into the room and brandished it at the air in the room in general, and then left without doing what you intended.
"Excuse me sir, are you trying to return this biro...?"

"oh no, He's just globulating. I think I want to globulate also."
by i can't find my mango April 2, 2007
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The same feeling as "Somewhat-a-globular", except at the same time you wish to rebel against grammar
Oh no! Those people near by used the rebellious Something-a-globular!? What do we do!? Quick. Let us evacuate the country.
by i can't find my mango April 2, 2007
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