137 definitions by hytham_hammer

The internet given to you via sattelite receivers. The next big thing, prolly?
what..why, Sammy? you're still draging your lameass on the info-highway?..aim high, d00d.. information skyway is the shit! .
by hytham_hammer July 8, 2005
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iPod players that suck up your time and attention, epicially those minis.
iPodders around the world are redding the needle in their insatiablity to acquire the latest accessories and music, there's now a thing called 'iPod envy' and..(wait for it):
"I need that metallic-blue mini..." *plonks a coldass 300$ without blinkin'*!
by hytham_hammer July 13, 2005
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play aka party condoms.
They come in colors, flavors, glow-in-the-dark ones, too ...don't wear them.
aha..condoms! raincoats,rootsuits, sleeves, partyhats, Jimmyhats, love gloves, love wraps, skins, scabbards, jhonnies, rubbers, saves, protections...
by hytham_hammer July 11, 2005
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The dirty-boy look of the late nineties: messy hair, flubble, smart casual... the works.
No two in their right minds, can argue that Brad Pitt is the messosexual of the world. Now he changed all of that.
by hytham_hammer August 6, 2005
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caused by a blow to the frontal lobe or a stroke , this weird syndrome makes the victim do unwanted hand moves e.g. the hand slabs , grabs the wayward hand!..
called after the scientist's Nazi saluting spree in the film Dr. Strangelove.
also called : alien hand syndrome, anarchic hand..
by hytham_hammer July 9, 2005
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Poly-Fragrance Fusion Threat.
An acronym coined by one funny GQ writer to describe someone who uses 3 and more, colonge brands all at once.
I know a word, though, that describes the contrary. Colonge fatigue, is a situation where one always uses the same colonge or scent, over and over! .
'sock' it to them, man!..pfft!!
by hytham_hammer July 12, 2005
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