14 definitions by hyperexcel

an attendant at a rave typically characterized as a fan of drum n' bass, hard techno, and jungle. Also characterized by a seemingly distant, confrontational attitude and dark clothing. An antithesis of this type of raver would be the candy raver.
Hey, that junglist dude over there has been giving me dirty looks all night.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. a display of lights and touches administered with glowsticks, flashing LEDs, etc. by a person to another who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, particularly ecstasy. This is done in order to enhance mental stimulation provided by the vision-altering substance.
Dude, I just gave a lightshow to that high guy, and he nearly passed out!
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. lightsticks, LEDs, or other light-emitting objects tied to the ends of long stringsswung around by a person to simulate unbroken rings of light surrounding the person

n. the technique of swinging such devices to simulate unbroken rings of light surrounding the person
1) I made some poy for tonight's party; I hope I can get it right!

2) Some friends of mine can do poy for hours at a time and not drop their strings a single time!
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. a flashing LED light source, that when moved in rapid motion in a darkly-lit room gives the impression of simultaneous multiple points of light in the path of the source.
No party is complete without a guy with photons.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. A beat style of various genres of electronic music (particularly Nu-NRG, hardcore, & techno) characterized by intense breakbeats or four-beats, with rapid-fire synth melodies and other synthesized sounds

n. the feeling of adrenaline rush attained by listening to electronic music, as defined by listeners themselves
This track has lots of NRG rhythms in it

Can you feel the NRG off this vibe?!
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. a style of electronic music descended from happy hardcore featuring faster, 160+ bpms with darker synth melodies and bass lines, intended to be an antithesis to the uplifting ambience of happy hardcore
Man, I'm afraid to even get near the terrorcore room. That music just makes me feel like someone's gonna eat my arm.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. the rave concept of Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, & Responsibility, principles by which most candy ravers attempt to live their lives in and out of raves. Adapted from the original PLUR to include responsibility in response to the abuse of drugs, people, and venues within the rave community, in the hope that the community will recieve a more positive reputation from its members and critics.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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