8 definitions by homopinionation

Brown poop streaks left on a condom or penis after anal intercourse.
Make sure to douche yourself next time! When I pulled out, I had residoodoo all over my dick.
by homopinionation February 23, 2014
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The waiting period from the moment you order your weed until the time your stoner dealer remembers you called and finally texts back that he is "on his way."
Even though I called my Weed Guy three hours ago, I still have high hopes he will come through!
by homopinionation November 19, 2014
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Being well-versed in the new language, slang and hashtags commonly used in the social media world of Twitter.
"Finally, I have mastered how to properly tweet! I am now fully Twitterliterate!" exclaimed Toks, joyfully.
by homopinionation April 21, 2013
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When someone calls or texts you with a hysterical message, ignores your worried outreach, then expects you to gather from their most recent Status Update that everything is fine, causing a unneeded freak-out.
My bestie texted me that her baby daddy is gay! Now she's tryin' to make up with him on FB. What a fuckin' dramabomb!
by homopinionation February 21, 2013
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The amount of money a person budgets from their income that is allocated for drinking/partying expenses.
I'm not an alcoholic, but I do have a lush fund of about fifty dollars a day.
by homopinionation March 1, 2013
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A person who is well-versed and educated in all things having to do with the culture of pot, marijuana, cannabis, weed, etc. This can include, but is not restricted to weed dealers, bong shop owners, musicians, Rastafarians, hippies, grow-house owners... It can also be used as a more respected label than the more commonly used terms, stoner or pothead.
Judd Apatow's films always have some kind of reference to marijuana. He's a true cannaphile.
by homopinionation December 3, 2013
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An egotistical dude who fronts as a major competitor, but is actually a sucky douche come competition time.
Caleb said he was going to go all 'beast mode cowboy' in the big game, but he sucked…as usual.
by homopinionation August 13, 2014
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