15 definitions by holymoleydood

when your room looks neat and clean, but in reality under your couch/bed, and in your closet (or other hiding nooks) is an absolute atrocity. usually occurs with people who were once organized but no longer have the time anymore.
"your room doesn't even look any different after 8 hours?"
"hah nope because usually my room is fake-organized but there is a ton of crap under my couch and in my closet..but no its 'real'-organized"
by holymoleydood August 7, 2009
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A song by steely dan. also the album is named aja and came out in 1977.
did you hear that new steely dan song?
yeah its incredible!
by holymoleydood November 18, 2008
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a cigarette, a dirt, a steeze, a smoke, a cig, cancer stick, ciggies, fags, rollie, squares, butt, a coffin nail, boggie.
"hey lets go outside and have a Steezer McJenkin"
"okay where is the pack and lighter?"
"in your pocket you pussy-willow"
by holymoleydood April 27, 2009
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when at a party, or just having a night of drinking, you take the lid off of all the hard alcohol bottles and toss them, to ensure that the bottle will be finished off.
"alright lets crack open the bottle"
"you thinking we should do a toss finish?"
"thats my boy. wasted!"
by holymoleydood November 2, 2009
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when a person says something that seems like the beginings of a compliment but then just leaves it open ended and very uncomfortable.
"hi how are you?"
"i'm pretty good."
"you dyed your hair."
"uhh yep"
(turns to friend)
"talk about the epitome of a mercy compliment"
by holymoleydood October 9, 2009
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when you are having a conversation and this of the most perfect word to describe what you're talking about, and suddenly the word escapes your mind, and you spend a good 10+ minutes trying to remember the word. then out of nowhere the word comes back to you, your hands grip whatever is in arm-length and you let out a gasp.
"yeah my parents got married a lot later, but theyre quite.....crap i just had the perfect word"
"what was it"
"it had to do with uncommon, or against society"
(10+ minutes later)
(falls back onto bed, grabs the persons wrists)"oh my gosh i got it, unconventional" (gasp, smile, laugh, relief)
"geeze that was like an orgasm"
"oh no that was a brain-orgasm"
by holymoleydood August 7, 2009
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music that is put on during such a pure mood, that goes absolutely perfect with what you're feeling at the moment.
"i love storms like this, with heavy rain, thunder, and lightning"
"we need some theme music"
"put on those to come, it would be perfection"
by holymoleydood August 7, 2009
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