1 definition by holiest

A religious slur used by those aligned with the religion of Science against "non-believers" (not to be confused with science, lower case 's' - the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment).

Non-believers include anyone that doesn't blindly inject themselves at the government's whim and anyone that raises any sort of question relating to the coronavirus vaccine besides "how soon can I have my next booster please?".
- "What are the possible side effects of this vaccine please?"
- "OMG BRO are you really that anti-science?? We've got an anti-vaxxer over here, get him social media!"
Echoes across social media:
- "Stupid anti-vaxxer"... "FOR SCIENCE!" ... "Bro you got your booster yet?" ... "Bro I'm already octa-boosted got my ninth booked too" ... "Science has spoken; I am obeying His voice; He will guide, He will protect me."
by holiest December 9, 2021
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