12 definitions by higgins

The high and tight higgins is a variation of the high and tight haircut common in the military. It was developed during the gulf war, and found it's way into society shorly afterwards.

The high and tight higgins is a haircut in a mans pubic region. The high and tight variation is when a man cuts his own hair and leaves random patches of hair around his balls and anus.
Man looks like you need to invest in a mirror, you got a high and tight higgins all over your balls.
by higgins January 20, 2005
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variation on bitch or biotch, a pseudonym for my boss at the Kennebunk Police Department
the Lieutenant can sit and be my beeeatch after I sue his ass
by higgins October 29, 2003
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The home project higgins is a dangerous predator. This occurs when a man dreams up home projects in order to lure young men up to his attic. It is still unknown what happens to the young men in the attic, but what is know is that when they are released their wrist's are so limp they can barely hold their own manhood to urinate.
"Dude no way I'm coming over. Your such a home project higgins. I know there ain't no drywalling going on in your attic. You fucking predator."
by higgins March 25, 2005
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The word titanic is applied to someone who goes overboard. The higgins is added when a person goes so far overboard that it is hilarious.
titanic: Joe purchased 5 kegs of beer for his Y2K party

titanic higgins: To prepare for Y2K Titanic Higgins purchased 500 pounds of oatmeal, 500 pounds of wheat, a deisel powered generator, 500 gallons of fuel, 1000 rounds of 22 ammo and buried $1000 worth of change in the yard. He spent new years eve in his bunker in the basement.
by higgins January 25, 2005
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1. The act of making a person feel like shit.
2. The feeling a person gets after they have been shit on.
I volunteered to come into work on my day off, and when I got there my boss yelled at me for being 1 minute late. Now I plan to kill myself, I feel like I got cold and prickley higginsed.
by higgins March 25, 2005
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This is what you call it when two people get together, and one person holds his/her anus open while the other person craps into their open asshole.
would you like to come back to my place for a muddy higgins? I will pay you.
by higgins May 13, 2004
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The warm and fuzzy higgins is a imaginary creature that was made up by sailers in the early 1700's. It is much like the unicorn or the mermaid. It is said that the warm and fuzzy higgins will give you a warm feeling in your testicles.
"Shut up you stupid bitch, there is no such thing as a warm and fuzzy higgins." Bob said, as he reached back like a pimp and slapped Suzy.
by higgins March 25, 2005
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