43 definitions by hex_ten

When one passes a phrase through the babelfish one or more times until it ceases to make any literal sense and instead sounds like some heavy metaphorical explanation.

The example was babelfucked with japanese twice
Until it finishes to make, when transferring the time of one or more to phrase, through 1 Tsuga babelfish in feeling of which letter heavily as in figurative explanation being audible to substituting.

When that, the time being one or more, in order to make, it moves to phrase heavily in as the figurative explanation which is audible in letter substitution through babelfish of one Tsuga of feeling, until it ends.
by hex_ten February 5, 2005
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when one has had a case of vodka ones speach is far from perfect, we say it is slurred
gish ush anover bottle of vod..vod...vod...stuff
by hex_ten May 16, 2004
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i used trial and error to pass my exams! It only took 15 years to get a C!
by hex_ten May 15, 2004
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God's special people is another word for retards, it mostly refers to jocks, or cavemen.

These people falsely believe that they are above you in every way just because their muscle mass (in stone) exceeds their IQ and can administer gang beatings whenever they like.

Later in life these will be the people that serve you your food and have to get used to calling you 'sir'.
god's special people are destined to come to a dead end in life, but hey, at least they are better at throwing a ball around than all the other idiots in the box company/(insert monotonous dead end job)!

"yeah, i coulda gone pro, if only i wasn't a complete knobend and only good at this sport when i play people much smaller than me"
by hex_ten January 30, 2006
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When a person in a pub is in possession of two pints at the same time, one in each hand, he is said to be double banking.

This stems from the nautical term of the same name involving two men on one oar.
Look how slowly Steve's drinking, another round and he'll be double banking.
by hex_ten January 13, 2009
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Mr Tism: means 'alot of crap', fool
enough jibba jabba, fool!
you talking a whole load o' jibba jabba!
by hex_ten November 23, 2003
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