5 definitions by herbal supplyment

kyoot means something that is super cute. basically a different spelling of cute. kyoot and cute sound the same but when you say kyoot you can also spell it as cyoot or emphasize on the 'o' sound to make kyoooot so people know you're saying kyoot, not cute. Anything thats heartwarming and adorable can be described as kyoot.
damn my cat just started rolling around. Kyoot!
oh my gawd Reina's outfit is so kyoot!
that kiss was 1000/10 cyoot.
by herbal supplyment February 2, 2021
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A guy with a super weird sense of humour. Also loves immature poop and fart jokes (but who doesn't?). He is really tall, and constantly flexes that. He also has some... questionable interests.

If a Daniel ever comes out to you, he will most likely be minionsexual, or JohnathanLisexual.
Also, everyone owes him money for some reason.
Be glad you have a Daniel in your life. Otherwise, you wouldn't have someone farting in your face with a whoppee cushion all the time.
I'm feeling like a "daniel" today. gosh... these minions look different..
by herbal supplyment December 14, 2022
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Herbal Jelly is a black coloured slightly bitter form of jelly, made of all natural ingredients. A chinese form of food, it is tasty to some, but others find it too bitter. Honestly to me, it isn't that bad, actually pretty good! Herbal Jelly is said to be a cold food, so eat it in the summer when you need to cool down.
It's found in (usually) chinese stores in forms of a drink, just jelly, and more.
'Hey mom, it's really hot. Can you buy some herbal jelly at the store?'

'I LOOOOVE herbal jelly! Try some!'
by herbal supplyment June 20, 2020
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a restaurant. do not order the bubble tea there. looks nothing like the pictures on the menu. i ordered something which had tapioca in it, ended up getting grass jelly instead. my friends ordered a matcha red bean smoothie. the picture was green. they ended getting a brown slush. tasted nothing like matcha, apparently.

i ordered 50% sugar on mine. tasted like 1000% percent. it was so sweet i got a bad headache.
"damn this shit from zenQ is disgusting."
by herbal supplyment December 12, 2020
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Being a pedophile is illegal and you can get arrested for it in all countries. A pedophile is an older person who is sexually attracted to minors.
All children, kids, and teens should be careful of pedophiles. If you ever think there is a pedophile around you or a pedophile contacting you, immediately tell your parents or contact somebody. if the case is serious, call the police as soon as you can!
Pedophiles are also called 'Pedo's". It is a bad thing to be a pedophile.

There are many kinds of pedophilia. Some pedophiles are attracted to real minors, while others can be called 'lolicons'. Lolicons are people who are attracted to cartoon/anime style characters who have a young appearance. These kind of characters are called 'loli's'. Other people can be attracted to furry style characters.

The list goes on and on about pedophiles, but basically you should know that they are bad and if you do see one or notice one, contact someone or call the police.

Minors, think and act safe!
"I think a pedophile is staring at me!"
"Lets get out of here!
by herbal supplyment April 8, 2021
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