1 definition by hatemaheffinbraces

1. Horrible, painful metal contraptions that are placed on your teeth by people with no sense of humor and a love of seeing kids in pain (called "orthodontists").

2. A combination of metal wires, brackets and teeny rubber bands that sap you of the ability to talk normally, eat candy, get a date, and wake up without a checker pattern etched into your gums.

3. A device placed on the teeth that leaves you crying every 6 weeks as you leave the orthodontist because they say you won't get them off for another few months (yet, you're still "almost there!")
I'd offer you some of this/these super good popcorn/pretzels/caramel/toffee/taffy/gum/gummy worms, but you have braces...

Yeah, she's kinda hot, but look at those braces...

Now I know you thought you'd get your braces off this time, but we still need a little more time....yes, I know it's been 4 years, but you're "almost there"!
by hatemaheffinbraces December 28, 2010
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