31 definitions by hahaha

An insult to tell some you don't beleive what they are saying.
In other words, the thing they are saying is so unbelievable that you tell them to spread butter on your arse.
Man 1 - Geoffry, i'm gay.
Geoffry - Oh, butter my arse
by hahaha July 22, 2003
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a group of 4 guys from seneca that dance around on eachother and grind anyone in sight (including teachers). their music of choice is "Toxic", "Its Rainin Men", "YMCA", and "Macho Man". there's a contruction worker, a biker (he wears women's leather pants), an indian, and a police "man".
"I was just attacked by the village peole!"
by hahaha April 4, 2005
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some idiot who belongs to this site, and thinks he is a smart ass who can just make fun of people with ADD and ADHD, and call them retards.
The rectum ripper is acctually a retard himself.
by hahaha February 13, 2005
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james martin...the fashionator...defining and leading the way in all things undeniably fashionable
james ure such a fuckin fashionator! u do kno people call you "le fashion"

fashionator is it true you bring a whole spare change of clothes with you in case someone is wearing the same outfit as you?? "yes i admit its true..i am the fashionating fashionator"

by hahaha March 13, 2005
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A word used to describe bafflement
Henry: Jeffry, that woman you are marrying has a penis

Jeffry: I'm confused!!!
by hahaha July 23, 2003
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Man 1- I just spent my wage on a whore and now i can't buy food for my family. And i've caught herpes!!!!

Jeremy - That's tragic
by hahaha July 22, 2003
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