6 definitions by guruerror

a 3/4 length demin jacket typically issued to inmates of correctional facilities during the winter months; also available in a thin, tan corduroy at some institutions.
Pookie: "Shit cuz, it's cold outside; lem'me grab my Big Ben so'as I don't freeze my nutz off."
by guruerror February 4, 2004
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Indicating an individual that is attracted to a person of thick/health proportions.
Pookie: "Yo...that chick is phat! Look at that ASS! I am so down with the thickness."
by guruerror September 26, 2019
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risk or gamble; to take a 'brody,' is to take a risk or go out on a limb; sometimes seen as 'brodie'
Example: Pookie is impatiently waiting for the crosswalk light to change at a busy intersection. "Shit cuz, I ain't wait'n on this fuckin' light to change; I'm gonna take a brody," says Pookie as he steps out into the rushing traffic.
by guruerror February 4, 2004
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an individual who decorates their automobile with every single pseudo-chrome, stick-on accessory found in the Automotive isle of Walmart.
Jake is a straight up chromer; he must have hit up every Walmart and Autozone in the tri-state area. He's got so much chrome on his Corolla that you can see that sucker from space.
by guruerror November 3, 2011
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A Caucasian individual that is characterized by two or more of the following traits:

* Is unloved; by even his/her family
* Lives in the woods
* Is in the employ of a second-hand merchandise re-seller
* Utilizes pharmaceuticals to ease the pain of his/her existence
* Doesn't wear a shirt
* Participates in bestiality

* Frequently cums in socks
* Is a Git-Wit
* Has poor hygiene
* and is just generally undesirable
Pookie: "What the fuck is up with that motherfucker over there? He's bein' such a James Gabriel Smith! I just wanna punch that cracker in the throat!
by guruerror September 25, 2019
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An individual that attempts to "Get With" (pretend to find interest in) a hobby or activity that which you are enthusiastic about for the sole purpose of making a "false connection" for money, sex, or other personal gain.
Pookie: "That bitch James Gabriel Smith is such a fuckin' git-wit! All he's lookin' for is a man to run up in his back-side.

I know he ain't down with Insane Clown Posse...he's just trying to get on my good side. I ain't the one!"
by guruerror September 25, 2019
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