96 definitions by gunslingergirlvy_c_e

A piece of work -usually in reference to literature- that was written by the original author. Spin-offs, fan fiction, and any work not written by the original author of that fictional universe is considered non-canon.
I got sad at the end of Rurouni Kenshin: Seisouhen. Good thing it took out a lot of chunks from the original plot and wasn't written by Nobuhiro Watsuki, or else it would have been considered canon. :D
Oh my GOD that Naruto fan fiction SUCKED! Thank God it wasn't canon.
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e October 7, 2007
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one who is from the continent of africa. dont get it confused with black americans. black americans try to act african by namin their kids straight up ghetto names that they think are african, but they cant even spell them themsleves!
Black Americans and African Americans are very differnt in behavior and culture. A name like "quadicia" is a ghetto attempt at being african
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e July 17, 2005
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A fan fic that is particularly dark in atmosphere and has disturbing concepts. Is usually full of angst, torment, depression, violence, rage, abuse, insanity, sorrow, horror... Lots of negativity.

Dark fics are based off of series that have a brighter, happier mood, or just have too much humor in it.

It wouldn't really make sense to base a dark fic off of a dark series.
I read a really dark fic of Naruto where Naruto keeps getting tortured and Sakura is always getting raped.

*keeps reading*
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e December 26, 2007
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a source of information that targets stupid news instead of REAL news. media is the reason why people are still miserable in war torn countries like the democratic republic of the congo and ghana and communist/facist societies like north korea because the stupid american's are soooooooooo concidered about what katie holmes is doing instead of sending funds to developing nations who desperately need it.
while mindless americans drool at E! looking at hugh hefner's slutty concubines, thousands of people are going hungry and are being slaughtered in dufur.

(sarcastically) thank you media!
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e July 27, 2006
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a texan who loves is lawn, loves his tools, loves his truck, loves his job, loves his state, and most of all, loves his propane.
dude, i would not want hank hill to be my dad
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e June 29, 2005
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the study of goddess(es) and other religious topics.
i am going to study thealogy.
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e February 23, 2006
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in Point Pleasant, west virginia, there is a flyin beast called the mothman. wittnesses say that it appears to be a big, dark, tall man but sprouts wings from behind its back. the most recognizable trait are its big glowing red eyes. since the 1960s many sightings have been reported. it also has a reputation of chasing ppl. i must say, the mothman is one of the scariest cryptids out there.
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e June 30, 2005
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