24 definitions by guess who

Anyone from Darien. They tend to be affluent. Their main rival is New Cannan. People from New Cannan are gay. They are so gay that they lose in every sport they try...see you at the turkey bowl next year ladies.
Wow, Darien's awesome, new cannan blows
by guess who April 26, 2005
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I have a big dink... You dink!
by guess who January 14, 2005
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contra was adopted as a new form
of masterbation... founded by a fan in the star wars chat room
tk118 plays contra all the time
by guess who April 7, 2005
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More popular spelling leaves out the letters 'obh'.
Man i took a huge shobhit last night - shouldn't have had mexican for dinner.
by guess who June 19, 2006
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A sinonim for american stupidity .
Oh just look at that Bush bombing , ain t he a VeX ?
by guess who April 13, 2003
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