23 definitions by gregory

nub is a word used by computer geeks. It means your new at a game. And when used out of the computer world, means you you suck at life. And the best advice possible for a "nub" is to kill themselves
Brian: God i locked my keys in my car
Daniel: Your a fricking nub.
by gregory December 16, 2004
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A type of haircut. white folks look stupid with them.
Who told that white boy to get a taper.
by gregory June 9, 2003
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The area inbetween the male genital and the butthole
Ouch, riding that horse all day really hurt my chulp
by gregory May 21, 2004
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guy 1: 'eh, succexy'
guy 2: 'thats gross'
by gregory August 5, 2004
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Beaded-up hair on the human body. Most commonly found underneth the chin and on the front and back of the neck.
You need to shave all that damn taco-meat from under your chin.
by gregory June 9, 2003
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of or referring to a dork or someone who does or says something stupid.
Dang, my buddy nick totally messed up with that cute girl. He is such a shlonsky
by gregory May 21, 2004
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the finest punjabi princess there is. the best girl in the graphic design field. a dangerous shotokan fighter.
that sonia sure looks sexy when she fights. her style is electrifying, like her design skills.
by gregory March 31, 2005
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