28 definitions by goodcop8

To be seen by another while(somewhat)naked and wet, as in
when you have to answer the door in a towel or less when
just coming out of the shower, or fresh from the throws
of particularly sultry passion.
"Dude, give me a minute to throw my gear on; you kind of
caught me wet-handed"
by goodcop8 August 4, 2007
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1: to irritate so that it makes one's blood become angry.

2: to cause, by reason of stupidity, ineptitude, malice, or uncaring, the blood of another to become angry.

3: to think certain thoughts or participate in any such behaviour that would tend to cause your own blood to become angry.
"I don't read newspapers, they anger up the blood."
by goodcop8 October 27, 2007
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1-To smell something that is not there.
2-To smell a smell that's not currently present.
3-Hallucination of the olfactory (smelling) senses.

(combination of smell + hallucinate)
Tweeker: "Dude, do you have Funions
in this car somewhere?"

Policeman: "Ahh?...no,...oh wait, I
think it's probably just
the crank; Methamphetamine
can sometimes cause you to
smellucinate. Sorry dude."
by goodcop8 August 11, 2007
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The Poor-Man's 'TLC'.

see also: 'Blaque'
They couldn't get TLC for the gig;
- so they had to settle for SWV.
by goodcop8 August 11, 2007
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What some Policemen call themselves to sound more professional, fancier, or somehow more important.
-Or because they're ashamed to be cops.

Denotes certain Federal-Agents, Fish & Wildlife Officers, Park-Rangers, Border-Patrol, and other such sworn & commissioned professionals who work in important fields of law-enforcement, but who are not necessarily traditional street-cops.

Also used by those Officers who do not want to thought of, or referred to, as Policemen.

Abbreviated as LEO (singular) or LEO's (plural).
"When a cop calls himself a Law-Enforcement Officer, it's like a garbage-man calling himself a Sanitation-Worker, or a clerk calling herself a Sales-Associate."

"Being a Policeman is an honorable-profession. Nothing is more vital to Public-Safety than the humble street-cop; Be proud of who you are, and of what you do."
by goodcop8 November 24, 2007
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Word frequently used by some policemen who lack communication & people-skills and are more concerned with having cool police-gear than with actually doing good old-fashioned police work.

Tactical can also relate/refer to anything with more emphasis on equipment, weapons, defensive-training, & Officer-Safety than on getting out there in the street, knocking on doors, talking to the community, and getting the job done.
"Why's Detective Florentine standing so close and taking notes while interviewing that gang-banger? Dude, that's not tactical."
by goodcop8 November 24, 2007
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noun: A Woman of any age who boldly wears a little skirt or short-shorts out of the house, but once in public she loses her nerve and then spends all night self-consciously yanking and tugging said skirt/shorts down so that less of her skin is exposed.

This includes the wearing but constantly adjusting of:
Low-rise jeans, low-cut V-necks, plunging-neckline tops, half-shirts, belly-shirts, bare-midriff tops, partially-exposed underwear, clingy-dresses, bathing suits, and any other garments that might be somewhat revealing or that tend to ride up.

Note: women should be sure they're comfortable before they leave the house in an outfit. Either you've got the looks and the confidence to pull it off, or you don't. But don't pull on it all night!

see also: "fashion-tugger"
“Check out that Blonde over there in that sexy mini-dress, she's so hot...Oh, but look at how she keeps pulling down on her dress,....Yup, she's a tugger. Too bad.”
by goodcop8 November 10, 2007
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