28 definitions by goodcop8

A US Military term for a special kind of upper-torso wound (usually combat related) caused mostly by bullet-projectiles or sharpnel, which punctures/damages the lungs/chest cavity in such a way as to create an amazing (but often fatal) condition whereas the victim is in essence breathing air(inhaling & exhaling)through the hole in his chest. It's rare, but if you ever get a chance to see one, it's pretty darn cool.
Note: To treat this wound, one waits for the poor sucker to exhale, then covers the wound with a piece of platic. As the victim inhales (sucks-in) hopefully the air-sucking pulls the plastic tight into the wound and forms sort of a rudimentary air-locking seal.
We've got to get Sanchez to the crashwak ASAP; poor bastard's got himself a sucking-chest-wound.
by goodcop8 December 9, 2006
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1) A Go-Bot

2) aka GoBot

3) Children's toy (vehicle) that turned into a robot
(well, sort-of) by means of a few simple twists,
smaller and less expensive than a Transformer (heck,
even the Go-bot Cartoon show was cheaper and cheeseier
than the Transformer's Cartoon, notice there's no
Go-bots movie), BUT at least you didn't need to read
the instructions each time just to transform a Go-bot!
They were much simpler and tougher.

4) Probably the coolest toy of the it's time (20 years ago
or so). If you were really poor like me, your Go-bot
was a rock or a stick, which you had to pretend turned
into a robot or something.
"A Go-Bot is a Ghetto-Transformer; Just as SWV and Blaque were the Ghetto-TLC."
by goodcop8 August 11, 2007
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US Army slang for the human mouth.

As heard yelled by Sand-Hill Drill-Sergeants, RI's, and some particularly old-school/politically in-correct 1SGT'and CSM's when they've got a case of the Red-Ass.

*Note: this term is NOT meant to be homo-phobic, nor does it imply or suggest any degree of homosexuality on anyone's part, it is simply a term of endearment to be used when you're pissed-off at someone.
"All of you, shut your goddam fucking cock-holsters and listen up...!"
by goodcop8 October 27, 2007
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1) The Poor-Man's Transformer

2) A Ghetto-Transformer

3) Children's toy (vehicle) that turned into a robot
(well, sort-of) by means of a few simple twists,
smaller and less expensive than a Transformer (heck,
even the Go-bot Cartoon show was cheaper and cheeseier
than the Transformer's Cartoon, notice there's no
Go-bots movie), BUT at least you didn't need to read
the instructions each time just to transform a Go-bot!
They were much simpler and tougher.

4) Probably the coolest toy of the it's time (20 years ago
or so). If you were really poor like me, your Go-bot
was a rock or a stick, which you had to pretend turned
into a robot or something.
Me: "Check out my Go-Bot"

Ty: "Dude, that's not a Go-bot, that's just a stick.?"

Me: "No, it's a actually robot that TURNS INTO a stick!!"

Ty: "Turn it into a robot then..."

Me: "Ummm...OK, there, check it out..."

Ty: "That dosen't look like a robot."

Me: "Neither does yours."

Ty: "Yeah, I guess you're right."
by goodcop8 August 11, 2007
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verb: To grasp or touch something with
a wet hand.

Usually refers to the handling
of delicate electronic
equiptment or communication
devices by the poor bastards
who live their lives on-call
and are required to always be
at least within arm's-reach of
said devices 24/7.
"I wet-handed my cellphone when I took
a call coming out of the shower this
morning, now it's locked up on me."


"Keep on cracking-wise with me buddy,
and I'll wet-hand your stinkin'
Blackberry most Ricky-tick!
Believe Dat!"
by goodcop8 August 4, 2007
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1: the condition where you have become very irritated, so much so that your blood gets angry.

2: having blood that is angry
"My doctor says I shouldn't be doing that; He has diagnosed me with having Angry-Blood."
by goodcop8 October 27, 2007
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noun: A Woman of any age who boldly wears a little skirt or short-shorts out of the house, but once in public she loses her nerve and then spends all night self-consciously yanking and tugging said skirt/shorts down so that less of her skin is exposed.

This includes the wearing but constantly adjusting of:
Low-rise jeans, low-cut V-necks, plunging-neckline tops, half-shirts, belly-shirts, bare-midriff tops, partially-exposed underwear, clingy-dresses, bathing suits, and any other garments that might be somewhat revealing or that tend to ride up.

Note: women should be sure they're comfortable before they leave the house in an outfit. Either you've got the looks and the confidence to pull it off, or you don't. But don't pull on it all night!
Check out that Blonde over there in that sexy mini-dress, she's so hot...Oh, but look at how she keeps pulling down on her dress,....Yup, she's a yanker. Too bad.
by goodcop8 November 10, 2007
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