17 definitions by gofishgo

The hardest name in the NFL to spell and pronouce.
T.J. Houshmandzadeh is a great receiver, but don't ask me how to spell his name.
by gofishgo December 16, 2006
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Hey man, I am a little short on dough give me 5 bucks and I'll give you an IOU.
by gofishgo January 9, 2007
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1 fl oz vodka
4 fl oz orange juice
1/2 fl oz Galliano

Pour vodka and orange juice over ice cubes in a glass.
Stir and float Galliano on top.

The proper way to make this tasty beverage.
I woke up this morning with a thirst for HARVEY WALLBANGER.
by gofishgo May 18, 2007