2 definitions by god_sidge

An American is a person from the two continents of America but generally the USA people think theyre more american

A person who writes in on urbandictionary to defend the USA by indirectly using stereotypical insults such as "...i could say all british people have bad teeth and drink tea but i won't" is a great example of there ability to undermine their own point

An american is a person who has no or very little geographical knowledge of the wider planet and has never heard of Wales

An american is a person, say bill gates, who has pre programmed all microsoft computers with the English language and failing miserably as they forget the U in colour and neighbour and flavour

Any person from the USA which you will meet and they will say they never voted for bush, and you say to yourself, well someone did i have never met one!

An american who thinks a pound is a burger and not a currency

An american is a person who thinks bugers are an american food invention

An american can be someone who is still hung up on WW2

An american can be also a person who had real strong feelings about the germans even though they were never bombed
theres too many americans

how many americans does it take to throw a dictator out of power who lives in a hole? 2! whos more stupid?

american "beer" sucks

why are americans such cunts?

why do americans think theyre cultured?

why do americans think they have moral high ground?

why do americans hate stereotyping when use it themselves?
by god_sidge October 7, 2009
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Any person from the small colony of the Empire Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Nothern Ireland named the USA

A Person who thinks there is a single British accent

A person whos life is surrounded by celebrities and material things

A person who likes fast food

A person who turns up late for everything

A person that has no idea why they started something and no idea how theyre going to finish it

Someone who can not handle real alcohol

Someone who likes to shoot people

Someone who thinks war is a past-time

Someone that thinks British people all have cockney accents or posh royal accents

Someone who thinks USA won Vietnam

Someone who can not point where Europe is on a map

Someone who is american and thinks theyre irish if their great great great great great great great auntie once removed was from the Isle Of Man

Someone who thinks Bob Hope is american

A person who is unable to correctly pronounce: Leuitenant, Aluminium, Route, Nuclear or Leicester

A person who can not understand irony

A person who thinks football is soccer

A twat

A self-pitying wanker who thinks pizza is an american cuisine

A person who is hated by the whole world

A general derogatory term for anybody
american walks into an english pub
american: can i have a light beer
bartender: i'm sorry what?
randomer with a pint of john smiths: he's a dozy yank, give im a pint of piss, he won't be able to tell!

fuck, you sound like a yank

its pronounced LEFFtenant, stupid yank

how many wars have you lost in this century so far mr yank?

since when did you buy that worthless piece of yank shit?it'll break before weeks out

the yanks couldnt win a war with the french

oh my word, have you seen the size of that bloke?
yea, he is deffo a yank

fuck off yank! WE DRINK BEER IN EUROPE
by god_sidge October 6, 2009
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