12 definitions by gman gaming

funny cute goat boy from deltarune that everyone loves

naturally, with love comes memes and ralsei has had many memes about him throughout the years, but the most popular (that I could find) are:

ralsei with a gun, a concept that's been thrown around the internet ever since chapter 1 released in 2018

ralsei smoking a fat dart, which has risen to popularity after chapter 2's release in 2021. (yes the second chapter took that long)

however, with love also comes literal love as in "let me fuck the asshole" type love, meaning some fucking basement dwelling body flab nikocado avocado lookin ass bastards have made some "questionable" art of ralsei over the years.

if you wish to keep your eyeballs I highly advise you to never look that shit up, and if you're into it then you're fuckin weird
Person 1:"Hey bud what do you think of Ralsei from Deltarune?"
Person 2:"Very cute"
Person 3:"I want to fuck him"
Person 1 and Person 2:"What the fuck is wrong with you"
by gman gaming November 12, 2021
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a fancy term used by trans people and pretty much the rest of the lgbtq+ to respect trans people which means "human rights" because trans rights are human rights (though there are some people who aren't in the lgbtq+ and are straight who also use it to show respect which is what I do and what you should do too so you don't become a greasy redditor who jacks off to nazi phonk edits)

trans rights are basically everywhere you look on the internet as throughout the years lgbtq+ has become more accepted (atleast on the internet)

now while I'm not trans or anything like that I'm alright with trans people and I think pretty much everyone should do that because at the end of the day all humans die eventually so what's there to really lose

and also it's what we in the biz call "common sense"
guy number one:yo mate what do you think of trans rights
guy number two:ay mate trans rights all the way
guy number three (nobody likes this one):fuck off you gay runts
guy one and two:I'm going to fucking toss your dick and balls in a paper shredder you dilapitated bean
by gman gaming July 15, 2022
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one of the shittiest memes of this entire decade, up there with amogus and the sussy baka bullshit
the meme is about a porn animation of ankha from the game "animal crossing" riding a villager's FAT COCK
obviously coomers will be very attracted to this and won't shut the fuck up about it
"Hey dude check out this funny ankha zone video!"
"Stop showing me your shitty porn memes you fuckin' fatherless cum-covered social reject chernobyl mutation type coomer"
by gman gaming October 16, 2021
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a company who has made killer games in the past but are now assholes who will strike down any sort of fan project or tournament.
"Yo man I just made this Mario fangame I think the Mario community will love it!"
"Don't get your hopes up man Nintendo will probably just take it down."
by gman gaming September 10, 2021
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the country every filthy soft fucking fatherless gay ass weeb masturbates to 5 times everyday with approximately only 2 minutes between each session
"Dude I wanna go to Japan so bad it's like I'll be in an anime!"
"Sometimes I wonder why you haven't hung yourself yet."
by gman gaming September 10, 2021
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