4 definitions by glitterfan101

Emma's are crazy and love to entertain.They're intelligent but just don't show it well.Emma's are in the top group for everything however they don't always think that they are smart.Emma's don't believe in themselves , they get upset easily but they have fantastic friends.Emma's can easily put a smile on your face without trying.They are hilarious and born comedians.
She is as crazy as an Emma.
she's a perfect Emma.
by glitterfan101 June 24, 2017
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Lily is a kind , caring person who always makes you feel welcome and has the best sense of humour ever.They are kind and loving , once you meet a lily you will love a lily.They are amazing , you can't get angry at them.
by glitterfan101 June 24, 2017
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Where you catch your fart in your hands and chuck it at someone.the other person does the same.the first person to hold their nose loses.
hey do you want to have a (farting fight )
ye sure
by glitterfan101 June 24, 2017
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