14 definitions by geodave

The double-handed calisthenics you use after you cut a big, swampy fart.
Darren caught a whiff of colon and realized that Mary was doing fart angels.
by geodave October 14, 2013
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A sexual term referencing both intercourse and a disparity in age between the two having intercourse.
Heather doesn't like being called a whore or a cougar, she just likes doing the math. You know, how many times will 18 go into 48.
by geodave December 28, 2012
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The awful condition experienced when you wipe your butt so vigorously that you pierce the toilet paper.
Between his haste to get back to his blind date and the cheap toilet paper, it was inevitable that Vincent's trip to the bathroom would end in fudgefinger.
by geodave March 25, 2013
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They're those gelatinous balls of crud you get in the corner of your eyes when you're tired, similar in consistency and taste to oysters.
Gwyneth broke a fingernail trying to pry the eyesters out of her eyes.
by geodave December 17, 2014
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By throwing pumpkin spice McNuggets on the ground, Jason transformed the row of sorority girls into a Bungquet of clapping booties.
by geodave November 18, 2020
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The art and science of being bombastic enough to get people to listen to you, even though you're just a windbag.
Russ's bombasticism made for good ratings, despite his utter lack of content.
by geodave January 20, 2013
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The pucker-inducing condition experienced when you wake up realizing you are incredibly late for some kind of morning appointment i.e. your job, picking up your kids, feeding the homeless, etc. Symptoms include swearing or cursing in sharp, staccato bursts fuck fuck fuck and promising God you will never drink again.
Josh woke up, realized he was an hour late for work and suffered an extreme case of Morning Tourette's that woke up the nun he'd hooked up with the night before.
by geodave December 21, 2013
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