14 definitions by generic

Microsoft's attempt to dominate the Internet by integrating this poor excuse of a browser with every Windows OS, although this was deemed illegal, they made some bullshit up about it being a core part of Windows. So in the end, they integrated this POS into Windows.

IE is buggy, has many security holes, is slow, supports ActiveX so websites can install their XXX dialers on our systems, and finally, it's not standards compliant, so 80%+ web pages have sloppy HTML which doesn't work with standards compliant browsers, only IE. How convenient.
Internet Explorer is the most COMMON browser, but NOT the most popular.
by generic October 16, 2004
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Originally developed as ARPANET in the US as a means for various institutes to communicate with each other even in an event such as war. The Internet has grown into a worldwide computer network where anyone can have a chat with anyone else almost anywhere in the world, and is a vast sorce of free information.

However, the Internet is slowly being clogged up with crap such as adware, spyware and viruses can spread like wildfire, not to mention that it is the biggest porn archive known to man.
by generic May 10, 2005
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Computers: To slghtly alter various settings and configurations for customisation and improving performance.
You can get better framerates in the game if you tweak some settings.
by generic January 21, 2004
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The proper way to express how you don't give a crap about something - you really don't care about something and it's impossible to not care any more. The common but incorrect variant "could care less" (which would technically imply that you do care about something) is widely used because of either a translation mistake into English, or those who blindly use phrases without taking a moment to understand their actual meaning.
Person A: A company just got sued for patent infringement!
Person B: *yawn* Oh really? I couldn't care less.
by generic June 10, 2006
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WMD - Acronym (Weapon of Mass Destruction): An implement of war utilized to inflict mass casualties. These weapons typically fall into three categories: Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear.

Chemical Weapon - Using a caustic, non-biological agent to harm living entities.

Biological Weapon - Using a living organism (disease, virii, etc.) to harm living entities.

Nuclear Weapon - Utilizing an uncontrolled nuclear fission reaction (atomic bomb) and/or radioactive materials ("dirty bomb") to cause destruction to living entities and inanimate objects.

Needless to say, the production, possession, trade, and use of WMDs is and will remain a topic of contention and controversy.
A "Neutron Bomb" is a fictional WMD. In theory, it uses a powerful (so far fictional) agent "Red Mercury" to cause a massive flux of energy. It causes no concussive blast, but annihilates all living organisms within a large radius.
by generic January 3, 2004
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The next Windows OS that will succeed XP as the most powerful, innovative and secure OS Microsoft have ever released... or in non-bullshit terms, powerful because it will require astronomical hardware requirements for all the extra bloat, by innovative they assume that you have never heard of this thing called Mac OS X which they have shamelessly ripped off and by secure they mean for the first nanosecond it is released before it is picked apart by hackers and crackers.

It will feature several exclusive products which are only available because of it's unique and advanced features... or again in plain English - M$ have intentionally crippled their stuff to only work on this OS and thus alienating their own users. No wait, sorry, this is an *incentive* to upgrade!

Last but not least it is a huge DRM update, supporting crap like TPM (Trusted Platform Module) and HDCP where even if you are legit but didn't fork over the dough for a HDCP compliant graphics card, CD drive and monitor you'll get no movie. Hey, that's a nice 32" widescreen plasma display you have there... wait, no HDCP? No movie for you chump! Oh, did I forget to mention that it will also have a "black box" feature? But don't worry, it's only for collecting data for quality feedback to make the next product even better - would they lie to you?
Hasta la Vista baby!

User: I just upgradede to Windows Vista! I love it's new features! They're awesome!
Linux/Mac user: Duh...
M$/RIAA/MPAA/FBI: Yes, it has some very nice features indeed.
by generic December 21, 2006
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The name of the operating systems made by Microsoft, which has developed from quite simple beginnings, into a more and more bloated and resource hungry OS. The reason 99% of people use it is because it's the only fucking thing available with good software/hardware support.

Each succesive release was designed to take advantage of the new and more powerful technologies available. Or in plain English, the extra bloat in the new version would require more powerful hardware, negating the extra processing power available and cancelling out the benefits of more powerful (not to mention expensive) hardware.
Person A: Windows sucks.
Person B: Why don't you use something else then?
Person A: Like what?
Person B: Linux? Mac?
Person A: Do they support all my hardware and programs?
Person B: Ah.
by generic October 16, 2004
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