10 definitions by geemeister

Usually a teenage owner of a 50/125cc motorcycle/scooter, who affiliates with 'townies'.Rides around and around town centres late at nite with baffles removed from exhaust system,trying to squeeze that extra mph out of their rusting heaps of crap.
track suit bottomed,crash helmet carrying chavs found in areas immediately around Mcdonalds
by geemeister November 20, 2004
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Norgit, or northern git, one who originates from nothern UK cities, ie; liverpool,manchester.Particularly annoying to southerners.constantly praises life 'up north'
'if you love it so much in manchester ,why dont you eff off back up there you soddin norgit!'
by geemeister November 19, 2004
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German person, reference to WWII nazi soldiers helmets.
'have you met Jurgen?'
'who? oh, the square head....'
by geemeister November 19, 2004
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From 'grim reaper', the 'grim' refers to a mans wife/girlfriend being ugly/moody etc.Thus 'reaper'
'wheres Steve tonite?'
'oh hes stuck at home with the reaper'
by geemeister November 19, 2004
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A hideously over made up munter.Often overweight, always ugly
"my god mate look at that grunderhunter stood at the bar"
by geemeister November 20, 2004
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vomit,usually containing carrots no eaten in living memory.
"god i was ill last nite i was choking carrots all nite".
by geemeister November 20, 2004
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