16 definitions by gay

To be gay and know every type of propaganda that goes around the HSC campus.......and he digs guys
To be Jud Root is to not know the truth
by gay April 8, 2003
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The act of freezing a large amount of cum (usually in a shot glass) and then inserting it in an ass, thereby getting fucked by it.
In the porn movie the guy got fucked by a devil's dick.
by gay November 2, 2004
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pretty much started a whole trend, now you have fags everywhere thinking theyre hackers because they can spell words with numbers in them
by gay June 6, 2003
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a synonym used for the liquor store when underage college freshmen need to discuss "business" in front of their RA's.
Freshmen #1: Hey Dave, we need to stop by the candy store before tonight's festivities begin.

Freshmen #2: Do you have a fake ID?

RA: Why do you need a fake ID to go to buy candy?

Freshmen #1 and #2 (in unison): Shut up bitch, mind your own business.

RA: Ok, sorry.
by gay April 29, 2005
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by gay August 24, 2003
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"I have kamended a game of scrabble."
by gay November 29, 2003
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