10 definitions by gary69_

A “wombat‘s-ass” is a term used to describe the shape of the back of one’s head. As the name suggests, a wombat-ass head possess little to no curvature, resembling, well, a wombat’s ass. The reason for such is largely due to the absence or smaller size of the occipital protuberance.
Person 1: What type of head shape do you have?
Person 2: Yeah, yeah, I have a slight wombat-ass-looking head.
by gary69_ March 28, 2023
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Elongated skull” is a term used to describe the shape of the back of one’s head. As the name implies, an elongated skull is a skull shape which is, well, elongated. People who possess this amusing phenotype have a large/prominent occipital protuberance, which gives the skull a stretched-out look when viewed from the side (xD).
“That guy has more of an elongated skull than an ancient Egyptian pharaoh!”
by gary69_ March 28, 2023
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A term used to describe the size of one's calves. One who possesses calves from Hell has calves that significantly lack muscle mass, resulting in a skinny, bone-like look, and inspires utter perplexity in others into how they can even move. The origin of the term is unclear, as there is no immediate similarity between skinny calves and Hell. It could be said, however, that only the most depraved and evil people possess calves from hell, and thus, well, they come from Hell.
"His gastrocnemii (calves) are especially affected by his severe lack of muscularity and is the reason for his nickname, ‘Calves from Hell’ (xD)."
by gary69_ March 30, 2023
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A term used to describe the shape of one’s body, particularly a woman’s. One who possesses a pear-shaped-having ass will have wide, fatty hips, which gradually slopes inwards towards the top of the torso, hence “pear.” A pear-shaped-having ass body can also be resembled to that of a ‘truncus’ function in geometry.
“What in the pear-shaped-having ass?! That overly large woman has the physique of a plump pear!”
by gary69_ March 28, 2023
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1. (slang, Australia) The act of cyberstalking and investigating personal information about someone you know.
Person 1: That guy is really invested into finding information about his best mate’s sister.
Person 2: I think he’s going to pull a Taranto!
by gary69_ August 26, 2022
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The bird nose is a rare facial characteristic which affects the uppermost part of the noses's bridge. What occurs is a significant indentation, and when viewed from the side, creates a line of sight which would have been previously unavailable. A true bird nose would have, as well as an indentation, large amounts of nasal cartilage, further improving the resemblance to that of a bird.
“His nose is rather pointy and akin to a bird’s beak, giving him the nickname, ‘Bird Nose.’”
by gary69_ March 28, 2023
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The term “slug-ass-looking legs” is term used to describe the thickness of one’s legs. A person who possesses slug-ass-looking legs will have legs which are very large in circumference. The term derives from the similarity between a slug’s body and thick/fatty legs.
Person 1: “Now, what exactly is a ‘slug-arse’?”
Person 2: “No, no, we’re not saying it looks like a slug’s arse, we’re saying that her thick legs quite literally look like the slugs themselves! She has slug-ass-looking legs!”
by gary69_ March 28, 2023
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