25 definitions by fuckitall

A very bad ripoff of The Simpsons.

I have been forced to watch this show, and leave by the second commercial break. It's gotta be the stupidest thing on T.V.

The number one "worst" show to watch as said by many critics.

Top 3 worst shows out today according to the critics:

1. Family Guy (Fox)
2. American Dad (Fox)
3. The O.C. (Fox)
Ringin' any bells?
by fuckitall June 29, 2006
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Possibly the greatest rapper of all time. He was the man that kept rap in it's purest form, and when he died, it turned to shit.
The death of tupac ended the RAP as it was once known, and then became CRAP.
by fuckitall June 3, 2006
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The Ford of computers.
Dell computers are sold very cheap, but you get exactly what you pay for.
by fuckitall June 30, 2006
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The ultimate bandwagon team. Most of the time the fans don't know shit about the team, but like to wear their jerseys because it's black.
Raider Fan: Watch out dog! Raiders are going all the way now that they have Moss to pass the ball to Janikowski.

Me: You're a fucking idiot.
by fuckitall June 30, 2006
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1. Credited for having the shittiest performance in a Superbowl since the Oakland Raiders got the shit beat out of them by the Bucs.

2. Act of winning a Superbowl because the Refs thought it would be nice to let Jerome Bettis retire with a Superbowl win, fucking over the Seattle Seahawks.
Still a Steelers fan, but we didn't deserve that Superbowl win.
by fuckitall June 3, 2006
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A creature who survives by feeding off other people's talent.

Besides the gay name, he is also master of taking a good song and converting to the worst thing your ears can hear.

Lives in the society called rap, where other talentless creatures reside.
we now see the puff daddy attempting to create a song of his own, a pathetic attempt nonetheless.
by fuckitall June 3, 2006
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The act of ruining an awsome movie by making two more pointless sequels just to make more money on the box office.
The Matrix was an awsome movie, but Matrix Reloaded and Revolution both sucked major nuts.
by fuckitall July 11, 2006
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