32 definitions by frankie

A slacker with no job and a blown in 2 ways Cobra; A person who thinks his grandma's bank account is his to spend; An individule who sits at home and will not get off his ass to fix any of his cars.
I wish I was like Blown95Cobra
by frankie November 6, 2004
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word used for extreeme relaxation from the stresses of the world- Derived from Bad Boys 2
go fuck urself u fuckin mother fucker!!!-WOOOOOSAAAAAAHHHHHH- i'm calm, i'm calm.
by frankie November 25, 2003
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A synonym for Lord British. Can be used to decribe any iteration of Ultima creator. Shishka lives in a fake castle in Texas.
"Hey, who invented Ultima dude?"

"Shishka, bro."
by frankie March 3, 2005
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in actuallity it means: to dissipate or disappear like vapor
life is in a constant state of evanescence.
by frankie March 26, 2005
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The (usually) surreptitious action of savoring the pheremone laden evidence of digital exploration of that magical female orifice. Commonly discovered by young men driving home after a date involving second base. Enjoyable at any age. Often characterized as a game.
Frankie had himself a good game of stinkfinger all the way home from his date with new girlfriend.”
by frankie February 6, 2004
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hot son-of-a-pirate who can't hold a candle to CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
Will: You cheat!
Jack: ...pirate...
by frankie October 17, 2003
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"Man, I'd like to meet her down at the y."
by frankie February 6, 2004
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