163 definitions by frank

noun-a lover of school, homework, and tests
Dont go home and do your homewrok, your being a fuchs.
by frank December 24, 2004
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insane band straight outta the stamford ska/screamo underground

also see
jesus christ and the moses humpers
the fuck me harders
butt plugs and shoulder shrugs are so underground they dont even know there in the band!
by frank February 24, 2005
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To wear too much makeup and comb ones afro simultaneously
Man, I love doing a Miss Baxter before bed
by frank October 13, 2004
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If you're really really a tought guy and you have to express some biotches you ask someone if he has some 'magandr' for you.

In most cases he doesn't know how to react, because magandr is a fictive word.

He'll just ask you 'what?' and you encounter 'zzzssst' (sounds like the noise a fly creates) and place your fist somewhere it really really hurts.
A: "Hosch Magandr?" (do you have some magandr for me, honey?)


A: ZZZSST!!!!11! *punch*
by frank May 10, 2005
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Term invented in my great bx orignal meaning was an abreviation of the phrase "you overhere" used to call ones attention to the word latter branched into other useage
Yo mijo when you gonna be rollin to the cine
by frank November 24, 2004
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1. to masturbate
2. to fetalize onself
3. to masturbate while fetalizing oneself
1. Goddam, it pisses me off to see those kids noerizing in the park
2. That fruit tart just noerized in the middle of the damn fire.
3. Time to noerize!
by frank December 1, 2003
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