93 definitions by foug

A fluke of immense proportions that may result in an advantage or disadvantage for either party. Also commonly known as a "garbage goal."
Lumme shoots from his own blue line.
Score! A Snowman Special. Toronto wins in overtime.
by foug March 25, 2003
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overused phrase that is better left unsaid for the betterment of the group. often used in situations that are not deemed necessary. unwarranted use is often dealt with severly followed by pay up!
*earlier in bar*
Sara - nice to see you , sorry ed
*later in car*
Noid - I can't drive
Sara - I can drive
*repeat line above 3 times followed by 5 minutes of silence
by foug January 12, 2005
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1) Being the big man.
2) An elaborate attempt to create a dazzling display of evasion and tactics taking up a great deal of time and effort (for both the on-looker and performer) only to end in utter and complete failure. Painful to watch in many cases.
Hiding out at a safe-house with a future-girlfriend only to be busted by your then current-girlfriend in a humilating scene in front of friends and onlookers.

Meg: Can I speak with you outside
Kev: he pulled a Joesph
Ed: Too fancy
C: anyone for orange juice?
Joe: sorry ed.
by foug January 18, 2005
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Most commonly the last thing you hear before "I sunk yo battleship!"

24 hrs nonstop shop, if you forgot something or your just coming home from downtown, stop by anyone is welcome! employing the youth of tomorrow
Snowman: Man now what?
Noid: B4?
by foug June 19, 2003
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Greeting used often by overzealous lebanese guys. Is often accompied by a tour of the new apartment and mass quanties of 7-uP.
*door knocks*
Flying Star - Hello?
Noid - it's us
*door opens*
Flying Star - Guys Guys Guys
by foug January 12, 2005
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made from the excrements of tofu and potato juice. can be served hot or cold as no carcasses have been hurt in this process. item is usually sectioned off by itself in your local grocers. item is to be cooked with separate utensils to avoid wussy contamination in the collective.
C- bbq time
Noid - wtf is that
Tycho - veggie dogs oh yeah! followed by floping
by foug January 12, 2005
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The acutal act of avoiding a person or persons for the betterment of the groups and for the proctection of those yet to meet the victim of the viodence.
I think he's coming over.
Quick turn off all the lights, its time for Bradvoidence.
by foug March 31, 2003
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