2 definitions by force.net

Arctic Warfare Police sniper rifle, manufactured by Accuracy International, a British gunworks company. Uses 7.62x51mm (.308 Winchester) ammunition with 10 round magazine. Also uses notoriously known bolt action mechanism.
In the Counter-Strike (now six years old, but still most played and famous FPS multiplayer game, originaly a mod for the Half-Life game by Valve software), it uses .338 Lapua Magnum caliber, corresponding with AWM, Arctic Warfare Magnum sniper rifle. However, it also has 10 round clip, which isn't realistic because AWM uses only 5 round mags. So the hybrid weapon in CS combines better properties of these two weapons, both higher clip capacity and larger caliber (i mean better in game, because heavier caliber doesn't have to be advantage in real firefight).
In CS, the AWP is often considered an overpowered weapon, because it has ability that no other weapon has - it kills with just one shot almost anywhere in the target's body, excepting only legs and arms. If a limb is hit, the player has 15-19 HP (hit points) left. It is also the only weapon that kills with a headshot hit through an obstacle if the target has a helmet.
Buying/using of AWP is forbidden on many public servers by AMX weapon restrictions plugin.
In clan-wars, the sniper with AWP is very important element. 99% of professional clans have at least one sniper in the squad. A skilled sniper can totally change way the match is moving, as example, very good CT sniper can cover a bombsite so effectively, that the terrorist team either can't even reach the site or they can do that but with a large descrease of their count.
In my opinion, the AWP isn't overpowered, it's just easier to use for low-skilled players than the other weapons, beacuse such people are not able to score a headshot, so the AWP offers them to "override" their lack of skills. However, if they encounter an agile player (every at least mid-skilled one) they usualy can't hit him anyawy.
AWP is also very expensive, in clan-wars 4750$ can be incredibly large amount of money.
PublicPlayer1 (lowskilled): "hahaahhhahh im so fuckin skillzord i just pwned 5 players with awp!!"
PublicPlayer2 (midskilled): "yea u got really nice skills ^^ ... let's meet on the long next round, k?"
(Player2 owned Player1 with a hs from AK-47, having 100 HP left)
PublicPlayer1 (lowskilled): "omfg u stupid luckzor noob!! lets do it again u scary bitch, always moving from side to side!!"
(again the same)
Player1 dropped
Player1 has left the server

CWplayer (TeamSpeak): "alright, i'll buy an awp and go guard the B doubledoors"

by force.net November 19, 2006
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An advanced item in DotA (Defence of the Ancients), a Warcraft III game custom map.
To obtain it, you have to own 2 Mithrill Hammers and then get a desolator recipe from the level 3 recipe shop.
Desolator gives you +50 additional damage and an orb effect which causes armor decrease in enemies that you hit. It also changes projectile art of your attack.

Note: exactness of the information (e.g. damage) can depend on the version of the map
Player1: what item r u gonna build now?
Player2: hmmm.... i think i'll make a desolator..
by force.net November 15, 2006
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