1 definition by footballer12

a name.

Girls named Zaire, although rare, are often smart and exotic-looking. Intellects who won't tolerate ignorance and/or stupidity.
Name your daughter this name and she may be bombarded with questions such as "Isnt Zaire a guy name?"
But she will learn to get used to it and ignore peoples' ignorance.
Girls named Zaire have a bright future and are date-able if and only if the guy matches her expectations.
Great in bed i must add.

Guys named Zaire, on the other hand, are usually players, sex-addicts who love to get laid.
they love attractive women and will often go through very difficult obstacles just to talk to one.
But dont be fooled by their streetness, guys named Zaire are also very clever.
"hey i went out with this girl named Zaire last night."
"isnt that a guy name?"
"well thats doesnt matter she was smart and extra sexy"
by footballer12 April 5, 2010
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