1 definition by football,soccer,whogivesaFuck!

the sport of American (or Gridiron) football is called so because we wanted a sport that was european football and rugby combined. the first version of american football had the punter kick it and players going down feild to catch the ball (pretty much feet passing, then it was switched to the passing seen today). and it was originally callled "American Football" which is why the first professional american football league was called the "American Football League"(which later merged with the NFL). it was called "american" because it is our version of your game. Pretty soon, we dropped the word "american" out of it and it became "football" so all of this is just a big misunderstanding! lol ---- from a guy who likes both american and european football

also, both sports are VERY physical, and I"ve never played rugby (i have watched though, and it's pretty cool) but getting tackled in football HURTS!!!! the pads don't do much when there's a 6'6" guy with 275 pounds of muscle trying to rip your head off!
all I'm trying to say is yes, we copied your name, but on ACCIDENT! just remember that it's just a misunderstanding.... I'm sorry for all of these ignorant assholes making the rest of us american football fans look like,.......well,.......ignorant assholes.
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