2 definitions by fontpush

Some annoying term Perez Hilton keeps trying to make happen, by saying it repeatedly, even though it makes no sense, and getting twitter followers to try and make it a trending topic, to make himself more famous for no reason.
The fact that someone like Perez Hilton can make six figures by being an annoying douchebag is amazeballs.
by fontpush June 15, 2009
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Best website EVER. Celebrity gossip but more on the general publics side, with the "why do I give a eff about these people" attitude. Makes fun of everyone. Dripping with sarcasm, and not kissing celebrity ass. One of the very few websites that will actually make you LAUGH OUT LOUD.
Person 1: "Where can I read celebrity gossip without having to deal an annoying website like perezhilton.com?"

Person 2: "Why, go to www.dlisted.com, of course!"
by fontpush June 15, 2009
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