2 definitions by fnkjsfhjsfhkjsdhfsj

A really useless degree that has no practical use/no work out of it to the people who study for and earn it, or if they DID have value, they don't now due to overpopularity.

A few examples of a mickey mouse degrees are:

Media Studies
Business Studies
Art History

Yes, they may be interesting to study, but there's no pot of gold at the end of them.

Most mickey mouse degrees tend to be BA (Bachelor of Arts), whereas BSc (Bachelor of Science)/BEng (Bachelor of Engineering) degrees actually have real value and practicality. Although it may be noted that Law is BA.

BSc/BEng degrees include:

Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Jay spent thousands on a mickey mouse degree at his local university studying Art History. Although he found it interesting, he could find nowhere to actually apply this knowledge to, so he ended up in a Managers job at McDonalds instead, whereas his friend Korena studied Computer Science and got lots of good work offered to her by various schools and business coding networks, as well as an offer by a computer company to help them set up a brand new Operating System. Why? Because her university major was PRACTICAL and USEFUL.

Pick your GCSE's, A-Levels and degree choices wisely, kids!
by fnkjsfhjsfhkjsdhfsj November 1, 2009
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General Certificate of Secondary Education or GCSE is a compulsory course in English secondary schools for teenagers in Year 10 and 11 (ages 14-16).

Generally, students HAVE to do GCSE's in: English Language, Mathematics, some kind of Science and one foreign modern language such as French, German or Spanish.

Optionally, students will take some extra subjects, including English Literature, Statistics, Geography, History, Drama, Art, ICT, Music, Double Award Science or if you're smart enough and got a Level 6 in the SATS in science; Triple Award Science (if you pick neither double or triple science, your school will instead force you to do singular Core Science).

The GCSE's are completed in a series of exams (the finals being set in June of Year 11) and coursework, which will be a lifesaver if you're not so good at exams.

Your GCSE's are really a foundation qualification, and it determines what the student generally does next.
James got 10 GCSE's, with many A's and B's. He stayed on Sixth Form to do four A-Levels in Maths, Physics, ICT and Psychology. He can write essays for England, and is clearly an academic person who wants to go to Oxford, Cambridge or an Ivy League University in USA.

Shane on the other hand didn't do quite as well, getting loads of D's and 2-3 C's in Maths/English/Science, however, he has gone to college and is learning a trade in a vocational course to become a plummer, because he's not very academic.

Bob the school chav and bully and "cool kid" skipped his GCSE exams, and never bothered doing most his coursework, so he could not get into a college or sixth form, he now just sits at home smoking weed, while making somewhat of an attempt to find a job and apply to do his GCSE's again at college next year, although his 15 year old girlfriend is pregnant.
by fnkjsfhjsfhkjsdhfsj November 1, 2009
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