83 definitions by flightfacilities

Paradigm that the number of small-measurements in the universe must equal the number of smallest particles. Stems from micronihilism the paradigm that the points interior to a forma contain a one-to-one relationship with the points on the uncountable-edge of neutrino.

A declarative statement of counting problem..
Micro formalism relays that, since the uncountable points in the forma share a bijective relationship with the uncountable points-exterior on a neutrino; the number of the smallest measurements in pan-contiguity--liminas--must equal the number of formas inside of pan-contiguity.

These two numbers must also equal the infinite number of Planck-lengths in ultranihilism.
by flightfacilities May 17, 2022
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An equivalency that states that the limina superimposes a Newtonian limit on each irrational number in linear time; creating prime numbers.

Q^star = Prime.
In Q* = Prime (The God Equation) the limina superimposes Newtonian limits through ultranihilism onto irrational numbers on the circle of pan-contiguity; creating prime numbers.

The limina infinity-overlapping-with-uncountability is the prime limit.
by flightfacilities May 31, 2021
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Paradigm in which capitalism fools a country into fighting the most unwinnable wars first; before any feasible wars.

Also a racialist paradigm which recognizes only the discretic elements of scientific thought (elements of the periodic table etc.) and thus only recognizes only European contributions to history.
Adolf Hitler fashioned himself as an opponent of capitalism; but his invasion of Poland and Europe's Eastern Front indicates he was a capitalist under the purview of continentalism.
by flightfacilities December 19, 2021
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An appellate verb that proffers that words have intentions-in-themselves.
The epithet "racist" propounds that on the plane of ultra nihilism: words have their own intentions.
by flightfacilities May 2, 2021
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Paradigm that an irrational number can never exceed infinity.

The declarative foundation of computer science.
Dirac-ism is based on the phenomenon that cutting arc-tangent-lengths below the line of diameter produces a 2D surface with an irrational number of points. Since an infinity-number of points can only be obtained from a circle cut at the line-of-diameter: statistical regression created by the points below the half-way mark can never reach infinity.
by flightfacilities May 17, 2022
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The paradigm that power only exists in the pursuit of love.
Marxism says power exists only as a dialectic.

Ultra-nihilism says power does exist...even as a dialectic..

Polymodernism says power only exists as Athenism..the move to super-symmetry.
by flightfacilities February 22, 2022
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A paradigm in which a signal of infinity^infinity frequency breaks the space of ultra-nihilism to create Tarski-elements (heat-elements).
Ultrasymmetry imagines a signal strong enough (uncountable hertz) to create energy from physical space.
It is a specific case of nominalism, or generalized ultraformalism.
by flightfacilities December 19, 2021
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