33 definitions by flacker

A slang phrase meaning to get forcefully screwed up the butt without lub (references the movie The Shaw Shank Redemption in which the main characted got "Shaw Shanked" in prison).
Damn, you paid $100 too much for that. That salesman Shaw Shanked your ass!
by flacker October 8, 2005
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Tackling some one extremely hard as in "de-cleating them". References Adam Sandler's character in the movie Waterboy.
Dang, that linebacker just "Bobby Bouchered" that quarterback!
by flacker October 14, 2005
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Rear view mirror vibration. The vibrations that occur one's car rear view mirror from their car's boom'n system hitting base.
"Sorry officer. I did not see you behind me because I had RVM vibration!"
by flacker March 10, 2006
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Dual usage:
1. A stroke of astonishing luck that comes out of no where!

2. A very bad luck incident near the end of a string of bad luck that seems to never go away.
1. Person scratches off lottery ticket. "Fuck luck! I just won the damn lottery!"

2. Person has a car wreck after leaving late and spilling coffee on themselves. "Fuck luck! Can it get any fucking worse!!"
by flacker September 20, 2005
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A power couple made up of a preppie guy wearing abercrombie and fitch and his girlfriend who is supermodel good looking and stuck up so high planes have to avoid her and they won't even acknolodge you exist.
by flacker October 11, 2004
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A void of nothing where someone dumb thinks something is connected or thinks there is not blank space.
1. That blonde is so stupid. I think she has an air gap terminator in her head.

2. Joe, the reason your TV won't come on is you have an air gap terminator problem. The power cord is not plugged in you idiot!
by flacker October 7, 2005
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Bubba: "Jake, what's this Justin Timberlake CD doin in yer pickup truck?"

Jake: "Uh, what, CD. Oh, that there, uh, must be my wife's CD."

Bubba: "Your wife likes country! Quit telling yellow lies and just admit you like listening to that pretty boy!"
by flacker November 1, 2006
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