12 definitions by fizzeh

You are seeing this definition because Urban Dictionary thought it would be a good idea to make this their 404 page!
I got the 404 error also!
by fizzeh February 19, 2005
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1. When someone sitting near you stares at your screen. Especially annoying when using Facebook, AIM, or sites that have 'sketchy' advertisements. This is similar to eavesdropping.
OMG, I was sitting in class the other day having an intense conversation on AIM, and the person next to me started screen-dropping...so annoying
by fizzeh October 21, 2008
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It's a Thomas, but with eight fewer toes than a regular Thomas. Rumor has it, Thomas ate his toes which is why he only has two.
He's called Two-Toed Thomas on account of he only has two toes.
by fizzeh January 15, 2019
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porn, typically on the computer. When one watches it, they may shuffle it.
I shuffled lots of data in my java class.
by fizzeh February 3, 2005
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Momitis (Mom-Itis) is a very common disease for mothers. It entails moms thinking that their children are the best in the world. It often involves over-complimenting. It can involve comparing the work of a child to a superstar. This can include comparing a child's music to a Grammy winning artist or writing to a Pulitzer prize author.
Mom: Steven, that song you wrote is as good as Hey Jude.

Steven: Um, no it isn't...you have a case of momitis.
by fizzeh December 20, 2008
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One who takes Lunesta and smokes a bowl prior to going to bed, resulting in an excellent night sleep.
Moose: I can't fall asleep, what should I do?
Dylan: You should take a lunesta a smoke a bowl.
Moose: Good idea, I always like being a lunestoner
by fizzeh September 22, 2009
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