10 definitions by fhqwhgads


1. To cut and run when you should stay and fight, leaving others behind.

2. To run away from a fight, like a little bitch.
As seen on kotaku.com:

"Is it just me, or is it hardcore ironic that rapper 50 Cent’s entourage was linked to a shooting on the day his video game shooter was announced? Of course, the rapper didn’t hang around to help out, deciding instead to run out the side door, aka bitchfooting it."
by fhqwhgads March 4, 2005
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1. To cut and run, when you should stay and fight, leaving others behind to face the threat alone.

2. Running and hiding like a little bitch.
Found on Kotaku.com:
"Is it just me, or is it hardcore ironic that rapper 50 Cent’s entourage was linked to a shooting on the day his video game shooter was announced? Of course, the rapper didn’t hang around to help out, deciding instead to run out the side door, aka bitchfooting it."
by fhqwhgads March 3, 2005
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going so completely nuts, that one 's' is not enough, S-NUTS; fiery hot with anger
Fhqwhgads, you drive me snuts!
by fhqwhgads September 17, 2003
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joke... sounds like masterbating with a lisp. Anyway how can you debate about math? Its math. You can debate about law or even s.s
Hey fhqwhgads, are you coming to my math debate party, it will be funtastic
by fhqwhgads May 13, 2003
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a guy from an awesome site. the site rocks, but not because of Homestar. Its the people AROUND Homestar.
by fhqwhgads September 6, 2003
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a website with naked girls of the punk/goth variety - known for it's message boards and lack of cooter shots
I want to make out with all the SuicideGirls at once
by fhqwhgads June 15, 2003
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Half of a pipe that is ridden in to "get air" while doing some kind of extreme sport
Did you see the mad air I got off that half pipe Joe?
by fhqwhgads May 5, 2003
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