1 definition by ffpyhairdude

A 4-peice alternative/punk band from Oceanside Ca, heavily influenced by Unwritten Law and Blink 182.

They've played a bunch of local shows including the Carlsbad "battle of the Bands" as well as appearing at the So*Cal Rock revolution, and side stage at Soma. They can go by the abbreviation WxWx.

They are of the best local bands in Northern San Diego and THE BEST band from ECHS
Example 1
Freind - Hey wanna go to without warnings show tonight?
Me - F*** yeah dude, lets go

Example 2
girl 1 - OMGosshh whats your favorite WxWx song
girl 2 - Duhhh, California for sure

Example 3
Jerk - Dude, WxWx sux
everyone around him- STFU
by ffpyhairdude February 17, 2009
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