1 definition by fatherpoobum

The location of the scientifically, worldly renowned black-hole. Scientist describe it as being a region of space-time from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. Theoretically, it can only be truly proven if one such brave scientist dare enter this nasty, devout of any such life organ, and become ultimately sucked into, and lost forever and become some other worldly turd life-form. And, unfortunately, in any such case, no records would have possibly been obtained through their putrefying dooms. So, if your penis, or one such protruding object of dare venture this encumbering vessel of unmatched stank, just remember, the pleasure you are probably encountering is most likely from an Alien race of the Anal variety.
My penis entered a black-hole(A.K.A Anus). It was quite nice.
by fatherpoobum November 20, 2013
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