15 definitions by fase

Big Asian Dong. Yes. Dong.
P1: That boy James Dong by the Pho Shop has a BAD, gurl.

P2: Wait like a BAD. BAD?

P1: Yesssss, James Dong has a BIG ASIAN DONG.
by fase July 26, 2023
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A jigger is a unit of measurment when dealing with alcohol. One jigger is 1 1/2 oz, the ammount of alcohol in most highballs as well as the size of a shot.
Bartender 1 picks up jigger to measure
Bartender 2: Amature, pros dont need jiggers.
by fase March 14, 2005
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A type of highball with ginger ale. Such as Gin Chiller, Vodka Chiller, Rum Chiller, ect.
I'm sick of Gin Chillers, I want a Tom Collins.
by fase March 14, 2005
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Hokkien for red hair. Used in reference to caucasians because they are the only race capable of being born with natural red hair.
Wah liao! You see ang moh go eats so much, leh! Go eat eat eat till kena ah pui, lor.
by fase March 12, 2005
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person 1: yo bro she got that WAP?
person 2: nah bruh she got that FAHAWAP.
by fase August 31, 2020
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refers to oneself and makes fun of gang society.
usually funny.
by fase February 13, 2018
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An electronic console normally used for switching between and/or combining audio from two turntables. Controls typically at least consist of: one cross fader for switching between and combining tracks, two up faders which control the volume levels of the seperate audio feeds, multiple equilizers on seperate channels for limiting the amount of bass, mid-range, and treble in the output, and a master volume control for limiting the mixer output. Mixers have been in use for decades and have become an essential part of DJing.
Yo, that the new Vestax scratch mixer?
by fase March 10, 2005
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