1 definition by fairly_lauren

A fandom is simply the definition of selling your soul to the devil. It's unreversible. Choose your fandom(s) wisely.

Know that when you join a fandom, people will have many different opinions like per say twenty one pilots. When fanfictions are written for the fandom, it sparks controversy due to people thinking Josh tops or Tyler tops. (Warning: if you join the TØP fandom, you will become trash. If you are already trash, you will become ever more irrelevant because this fandom is time consuming. Say goodbye to any other social life that isn't within the fandom)

But in short that's not so short, a fandom is a community of people who come together that have a common interest. Pretty much the fanbase of a book/movie/show/band

Fun Fact!: a bandom is a combination of band and fandom, together making bandom so if you like P!ATD or PTV then you're apart of the bandom
"The tøp fandom is so overrated..."
" My fandom makes the most smut fanfics
by fairly_lauren April 13, 2017
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