10 definitions by fag

A club for gay men who wish they could make it into the real KKK.
Oh, I didn't mean THAT KKK.
by fag June 1, 2003
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Smarmy little faggot that lords above others
"That Raysel just dissed me to the tenth degree, yo."
by fag June 1, 2004
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a penismonkey is a monkey with a huge penis. that isnt a monkeys penis.
Retarded kid 1:hey look at that penis monkey!

Retarded kid 2: good look finding a jockstrap for that!
by fag January 20, 2005
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stands for Gentlemen Quarterly and is popular magazine for men
Lets go read GQ o yeaaaaaaa
by fag May 6, 2003
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What kids say when they want to sound "hardcore".
That band is making money and a living now, what sellouts!
by fag May 29, 2003
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