12 definitions by f'd

-noun: a mythical world void of white people; the sensation experienced upon an excursion to such a place.
To cope with her recent relocation to Utah, TaNeisha often slipped into states of Ghettopia.
by f'd August 14, 2010
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(adj) white trash with a dash of class. ie: wearing cowboy boots with a suit.
I hear Tyler uses organic conditioner on his mullet. He’s so Ku Klux Glam
by f'd December 4, 2011
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-noun: the stain-like residue left on a bed sheet by a menstruating woman; often undetected until the following morning, giving the sheet a striking resemblance to the Japanese flag.
Actually Reverend, I’ve found that Tide with stain release is second to none when it comes to removing those pesky Japanese Sunrises.
by f'd August 12, 2010
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(n) a soliloquy of incoherent falsehoods.
I knew Mort was talking fibberish when I overheard him tell his date that Mick Jagger went to his church.
by f'd December 4, 2011
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an unflushably monstrous turd
That triple fat deuce was so colossal it probably didn't even make a splash.
by f'd February 27, 2011
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noun: home skillet (Latin); friend, home boy, an acquaintance whom with you share the same home town.
What up skilletus domesticus, how you been?
by f'd August 1, 2011
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-adj: possessing the characteristics or mannerisms of, resembling or displaying behavior befitting a douche bag; douche-like.

synonyms: baggadocious, bagnostic, baggadelic, bagnetic, bagtastic, bagnifique.

related nouns: bagster, baggamuffin, Bagnum P.I., bag boy, deuce bag, sacco di douche, bagnificence, Baggie Smalls, Notorious B.A.G.
Some dillwad cut me off on the highway today and then gave me the finger. I should’ve known he was bagnificent by the ‘My Child is a Star Student’ bumper sticker on the back of his Hummer.
by f'd November 10, 2010
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