40 definitions by exitflagger

Term generally denotes a lack of anything happening or something being woefully sub-standard.
Heather’s party was ridiculous, man. She didn’t invite anybody till the last minute, she told people it was BYOB, all she had was chips and dip and the stereo was broken. 100% air pudding, dude…
by exitflagger May 6, 2008
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To sweat profusely, creating a smell that is common amongst hard-working men.
The air-conditioner in my car is broken and if I go more than a mile or two I'm busting a man all over the place by the time I get there.
by exitflagger May 6, 2008
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Slapping style of bass playing associated with funk music.
I been diggin' on some Red Hot Chili Peppers lately. That little ugly dude in his drawers can get all over that puke johnson shit, man...
by exitflagger April 30, 2008
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A large zit that is ripe for squeezing.
Donna was acting weird and wouldn't look me in the face when I was talking to her. I went and looked in the bathroom mirror and realized that I had a massive geel popper on my forehead! Wow, man, I ain't hittin' on shit!
by exitflagger May 1, 2008
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Getting surprisingly drunk from a relatively small amount of alcoholic intake. Often gets shortened to just "bargain".
I gave up drinking for a couple of months and now I can get me a bargain head after only two beers.
by exitflagger April 25, 2008
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