40 definitions by exitflagger

A dive into the swimming pool much like a can opener, except in the case of a dead crawfish the tucked leg is held with the ankle back against the butt (instead of pulled up against the chest). One's head is held upward and the diver enters the water at an awkward angle, foot first and slightly tilted forward. If done correctly the diver will resemble a crawfish that was already dead when it was boiled (tail extended straight instead of curled under).

Unlike the can opener, this dive is not meant to cause a large splash; it is only meant to look foolish and make your drunk-ass friends laugh till they piss their pants.
Check it out! Here comes a dead crawfish!


by exitflagger May 1, 2008
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To be very hung over.
We started trading off Jager shots after Ricky showed up last night. I'm all poisoned like a son of a bitch today. I'm never drinking again!
by exitflagger April 30, 2008
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To put in a spectacularly entertaining drunken performance in a social situation.
It was amazing. He was sweeping it big-time. He was all hammered so he accidentally peed on himself and then he went up to a big table full of girls and spilled his drink on them. He topped it all off by puking in the bushes outside.
by exitflagger April 30, 2008
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To have bad acne, pimples, zits, etc.

(Shortened from the old joke "He has so many zits, (How many does he have?) ...he fell asleep in the library and woke up with a blind man trying to read his face.")
Guy 1: Laurie's really a cute chick; shame about her complexion though.
Guy 2: She needs to get some medicine for that blind man all over her face.
by exitflagger May 1, 2008
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Usually describes the sound of a bad white band trying to play black music. It can also be applied in situations where someone is just being too uptight or not "keeping it real".
(Band plays poor version of "Brick House")
Reaction: "Damn! They took all the funk out of that!"
by exitflagger May 2, 2008
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When someone's ears protrude conspicuously from the side of his/her head, resembling a car with two open doors. (Sometimes shortened to just "car doors")
Gah! Check out the open car doors on that dude!
by exitflagger May 6, 2008
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To have a strange and conspicuous hair style.
Whoa! Check out the hot vidal on that dude over there! (*golf clapping*) Very good, sir!
by exitflagger April 25, 2008
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